Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Get Your Hacking Videos Here!

Well not here as in the SynJunkie blog but here, as in the Learn Security Online site. The guys over at LSO have revamped the site and it's looking pretty sweet.

Whenever I have a few minutes spare I love to watch how some of the experts out there attack systems and use the tools that projects such as BackTrack and Metasploit make available to us. Or if I am learning something new it's great to see a demonstration of a tool or process. So the guys over at LSO have done all the hard work for us and linked to them all. As well as all of there own vidoes there are links to over 80 non-LSO videos.

So if you want to see how the experts perform SQL Injection or run the latest MetaSploit exploits then check out the video section at Learn Security Online.


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