Saturday, December 12, 2009

Creating Custom Password Lists

This blog entry is on how to quickly create a custom wordlist to use with a password cracker. This is something I have been wanting to learn for a while but was unsure how to do it. I learned this technique from a video created by pur3h4t3. I link to his blog can be found at the bottom of this entry.

You may want to create a custom wordlist using a companies website. What the method I am demonstrating will do is take a website, in this example, and create a wordlist using all the words on that site. Hopefully these words may be relevant to my target.

I will cover how to use this list with a password cracker in a later blog entry.

All tools i use are on the backtrack3 CD.

  • wget
  • pw-inspector

Creating the Wordlist

1. First I create a directory that I am going to download a copy of the website into. After changing to that directory I quickly grab the site using wget.

wget - r

2. After grabbing the site I use to extract all the words from the site into a single file. -n -o /root/sj/wordlist.txt /root/sj/

3. I then cat the file that I have created out, piping it through sort and uniq, to put it in order and remove any duplicate words.

cat wordlist.txt | sort | uniq > wordlist2.txt

This then gives me a file called wordlist2.txt that is a bit smaller as the duplicates have been removed.

4. Next I use pw-inspector to go through the file and remove any words that do not meet the criteria.

cat wordlist2.txt | pw-inspector -m 1 -M 20 >customlist.txt

The criteria I have set here is words should be a minimum of 1 letter and a maximum of 20. If you know that your target hes a minimum password legnth of 8 characters you could remove all words with less than 8 characters using this tool.

6. The result is a file called customlist.txt that contains words that may be more relevant to a target.

cat customlist.txt



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