Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Story of an Insider


I really enjoyed writing my first story in November, and I received loads of great feedback so I thought I'd do another one but from a slightly different angle. As well as writing my usual posts writing these stories really helps me learn new and different things.

So for my second effort I'm going to present a 3 part story. The first part will be the attackers story, the second and third parts will be the defenders perspective, focusing on the discovery of the attack and then some forensics thrown in for fun. I must point out that I am in no way trained in forensics, the techniques I will discuss would be those that any Systems Administrator could use to investigate an incident on his or her network after gaining permission.

Setting the Scene

As the title suggests this story will be about a rogue employee who feels poorly treated by his employers and wants revenge. His evil intention is to access restricted files and the sell plans for the eargerly awaited GNUphone to a popular website. Sounds easy? Well maybe I'll make things a bit interesting for him.

On the defending side is a keen Systems Administrator who looks after his network as if it's his baby. He has fought with management to have policies and procedures put in place to make his network secure.

So throughout December we'll see what the attacker does to get to the data, and what the Sys Admin does to try to prevent, detect and investigate the incident.

The Story of an Insider - Part 1. Shoulder Surfin Goodness

For a bit of background on this story you can read the intro here. This post details a low tech hack, primarily because its from the perspetive of a bog standard user. (If your reading this your probably not a bog standard user).

The Insiders story.

I've worked for this company for 2 years and all I get is crap from the boss. Those glory boys in design get all the praise for the GNUphone but if it weren't for people like me handling the suppliers and getting them down to rock bottom prices we couldn't even compete with the big boys in the market. It's launch day soon and all I see is the design lads getting party after party, rolling in late, taking long lunches and doing sod all. And to top it off I come in late once and I'm on a warning.

Well it just so happens that if I can just get the finished designs for the GNUphone to a guy I know over at MicroFone Magazine before the launch I'll be wiping the smile of those smug gits faces and I'll make a few quid too. I mean, it's not like i'm really hurting anyone, it justs means people get to see the phone a little early that's all.

I'll just have a poke around on the server and see what I can find...

Bugger! I can't get in the folder. I guess only the superstars in design are allowed access. Well I know the top guy down there is a football nut so it wouldn't take the brains of an astronaut to figure out his password.

Well none of that worked. But Mark did get really pissed at Carl the IT guy because his account was locked out. Then the boss had a go too, ranting that the security was an overkill and was preventing people from working. Yeah right! More like preventing people from getting to Facebook.

Well I better think about this because I have got to get the designs, i've told my mate I can get them and I don't want to look stupid. I need some of those hacking tools but our Internet access and email is monitored and were not allowed to bring software in. Were not even allowed USB devices for crying out loud! The Sys Admin is so paranoid he's got bloody policy after policy preventing anything and everything. He needs to get a life!

Well I know the boss has had it in the neck from everyone about the password policies so maybe I can push things over the edge. I have the usernames for everyone, I'll just lock out the accounts by accessing the webmail with my Iphone using the other employees usernames and the wrong passwords, either the policies will go or the crazy paranoid Admin will. At the very least I'll have great fun watching everyone get pissed off. Am I a genius or what!

Well that didn't take too long, a day of selectively locking out all the bosses accounts and the account lockout policy has been lifted, now I can just guess away till my hearts content.

1 day later...

Well this guessing game isn't as easy as it would seem, I've tried the all the names of the players in his beloved football team and I'm still not in. Hang on, here comes Mark now, typically back late from his extended lunch break. I think I'll have a chat with him as he walks back to his desk.

I can't believe it, after a days worth of guessing passwords and he goes and types it in right in front of me as I'm chatting to him. All I had to do was ask him if he'd checked out the news about “his team” and he went straight to the Sky Sports website. What a Sucker! And after all that the password was the star strikers name and number. I should have guessed that!

Right, so now I have the login name and password of the guy who designed the GNUphone, all I have to do is find a way of getting the designs out of the office once I have them. I can't email them out, that's to risky. Thumb drives are still strictly banned, but I do have my other at home and it has a 2GB memory card. There's nothing in the policy that mentions phones! It's risky but as long as I'm discreet I should be able to hook up the cable and download the files to my phone. Brilliant!

Well the next day I get in nice and early and I have plenty of time to copy the files. I'll just hook up my phone behind the PC, log in as Mark and have a search round for the designs. All being well i'll have the designs on my memory card before long and I can get them over to my mate at MicroFone Mag tonight.

Crap, the boss is on walkabouts. I better get rid of this cable and phone before he comes over here.

Coming up..........The Sys Admins story.

The Story of an Insider - Part 1. The Sys Admin Storys

This is my second part to a fictitious story about a theft of Intellectual Property by an insider and the detection and investigation of the incident.

The Sys Admins Story

So I get a call that Mark has locked himself out of his PC, well I guess when I implement password restrictions there's a price to pay. He says he never put the wrong password in though, yeah right, that's what they all say. I'll just check it out in the logs anyway.

Strange, that's not a design computer he's logging on from. Oh here he comes now, I'll ask him.

Man, I can't believe that, I just got my ass chewed from his boss for the last 10 minutes because HE forgot his password. Well I've got stuff to do, maybe I'll take it up with him later when he's in a better mood.

The next day......

Well something is definitely going on. Either this is a wind up or someone is trying to hack my network. I've had nearly every manager kicking my ass today about the lock out policy, all within the last few hours, I've got a stack of reports to write and patches to test and now my boss wants me in his office. This is just great! I'll quickly raise the support ticket and get this on the system so I don't get an ass kicking for that too.

Well, I've been told in no uncertain terms that either the account restrictions go or I do. I tried to explain that this is more likely an attack of some sort because I have changed nothing on the network. No new software, no new policy settings, nothing. But it's no good, he wants the lockout policy gone immediately. It's a total knee-jerk reaction and he would not listen to reason.

Oh god, I hope it's not a virus or something, I better check the logs and see what's going on. We'll I found nothing in the AV logs, but there is definitely something wrong. In my Server event logs I can see loads of lockouts today.

I used EventCombMT.exe to get all the lockout events and export them to a file.

Eventcomb will rip through the eventlogs on the server and extract into text files just the event's I'm interested in. From the results I can see that accounts are being locked out, but from the IP of the OWA box.

It must be that its infected with a virus. There was only that PC in buying that got an account locked out too, I bet that's got the same virus.

Well from the logs on the OWA box I can see all the lockouts are coming from something trying to get in using valid accounts with a wrong password.

It seems it's always an iPhone that is locking out the accounts, I'll just grep through the other logs with PowerShell to see if this has happened before.

gc *.log | select-string "iphone"

It hasn't happened before but in the older logs I can see that an iPhone has only been used once before, and it was Pete in buying that used it. Interesting!

I still don't have too much to go on but doing something has to be better than doing nothing right! Maybe the PC in buying does have something to do with it.

Again the AV checks out okay and is up to date, the firewall has pretty tight egress filtering and those logs are pretty clean. If there was something bad on the network I would expect it to show up on the firewall or the proxy logs and there's nothing.

I checked the PC is up to date on security patches. Let me run a script on the PC and the OWA box to see what's running, there must be something wrong. I have a batch file I created to respond to incidents such as this.

REM Usage: filename.bat ip-address/hostname outputfile
@echo off
set header1= **** Voliatile Data Gathering Script ****

type get-vol.bat > %2
REM Start Date & Time

time /T >> %2

date /T >> %2

REM System

psexec \\%1 systeminfo >> %2

REM Processes

psexec \\%1 tasklist >> %2

psexec \\%1 tasklist /svc >> %2

REM Networking

psexec \\%1 ipconfig /all >> %2

psexec \\%1 arp -a >> %2

psexec \\%1 netstat -anob >> %2

psexec \\%1 nbtstat -s >> %2

REM Finish Date & Time

time /T >> %2 date /T >> %2

The script isn't perfect because it's using the executables on the PC which could have been compromised, but it'll do for now until I can get round there and run something locally.

remote-info.bat gt-buy-01 c:\results-gt-buy-01.txt

The script runs commands that gets me details of the running processes, network connections, logged on users and all that sort of stuff. It's pretty good and I can really do with knowing what's happening on the PC right now.

Well the script ran fine, no weird processes, but there were some network connections to the file server in Design. Looking at my results file I can see that the NBTSTAT -s command shows some pretty big data transfers from the File-Server to the buying PC.

That's pretty weird, buying doesn't access files on that server they have there own server. I also saw that Mark from design had logged onto that PC. That's strange too, why would the Design Manager log onto a PC in buying to access his files? I'll update the Support Ticket and give him a call.

Well Mark from Design knew nothing about logging into a PC in buying. He said he has never logged onto any PC but his own and he is sure he has never given out his password.

I went back to my logs and I saw that my little HoneyPot has been tripped as well.

It's just a folder I set up that has object access logging on it. All the guys in design leave it alone and no one has any reason to go to it. That is no one goes to it if they now what they are looking for. Obviously someone doesn't know what they are looking for. Now I'm getting somewhere!

Now I know there is definitely something going on, and it looks as though someone has been accessing files that they shouldn't be.

I quickly check the profiles on the buying PC and sure enough it backs up what all the other tools have told me, Marks login has definitely been used on the buying PC.

I've informed my manager of what I have found, he has emailed me giving me permission to examine the buying PC whilst he has a chat with Pete in his office.

My goal at this point is to find out if an incident has occurred and then discover how this incident happened.

Coming Next.............. Sys Admin plays CSI.

The Story of an Insider - Part 1. Playing At CSI

Playing at CSI

Okay, so my manager has explained everything to Pete and has given me written permission to look at Pete's PC. Pete has also said that he was happy for me to look around his desk area. At the moment it may be nothing more than a virus or malware that has caused the log entries, but I need to be sure. My approach is to recapture the volatile data from the PC using a script similar to what I ran before. This time I use known good executables from a CD which is Read-Only media. I save the output to a network share as I want to make as little change as possible to the PC. After getting the volatile data off I'll image the PC and then create a VM from the image to look at further.

The output was pretty similar to what I got before when I ran the tools remotely although the connections through Netstat were different but that is to be expected.

I'm pretty sure that there is no virus on the PC so now I'm guessing that the PC has been used to gain access to restricted files in the Design share on File-Server.

Now I have the volatile data off the PC I want to make an image of the drive and use that for further examination, that way I can isolate this PC off the network and get back to my office for a well earned coffee.

I insert my Helix CD and attach my Western Digital portable hard drive to allow me to capture the DD image. Going to the Live Acquisition menu I select my source and destination and give the image a name.

Now I wait till the image is copied to the Western Digital Drive.


As soon as that is finished I check the log and the MD5 sums in the image folder and then I pull the plug on the PC and secure it until we get to the bottom of this issue.

Back in my office I make a copy of the DD image I have created and save it somewhere safe, that's just encase I screw up the one I'm working from. Now I use Live View to create a VM from the image that I can boot into to examine further.

Before I browse to the folder where I generated the cofig and double click the VMX file to boot into the VM I point the CD to a Helix ISO so I can use some other tools from the disk.

The system boots up and straight away I see that the last user logged in was MarkP, the Design Manager. Well now I know without doubt that the last account used was Marks.

I contact Mark and get his password, this makes life a little easier for examining the registry. If Mark wasn't available to give me his password I would have logged in as a local admin and likely used RegRipper to analyse the NTUSER.dat file. Luckily at this stage I don't have too.

I examine the recently used files and can see nothing untowards, I also create a list of all the files on the PC and pipe it out to a file on the same external WD hard disk. This is done for hidden files as well.

C:\Dir /s *.* > E:\gt-buy-01-files.txt

C:\Dir /s /a:h *.* > E:\gt-buy-01-hiddenfiles.txt

After searching through the text files I find nothing from the Design Share. This is frustrating, I'm sure that data has been downloaded because the NBTSTAT data from my remote volatile data collection indicated that some pretty big data transferes had been made.

I start Helix using RunAs and kick it off with local admin privileges.

As soon as Helix is running I check the processes again using the CD tools and just as I thought it's the same as before, nothing suspicious. I run PC Inspector File Recovery from the Helix CD. This will allow me to find deleted files on the PC.

And what do you know, here are some of the GNUphone design files, I recover them and as expected they are the same as in the Design share on the server.

The thing is, at this stage I don't know if Pete has just accessed the files and deleted them, or has he emailed them somewhere or copied them? I recheck Internet logs, look through his mailbox, checking the sent emails, the deleted and the deleted-deleted emails but nothing.

Ok, I'll try another useful tool from the CD, USBdeview maybe he has copied them to a USB drive. Ah, here we go. I can see 2 devices have been attached, one is the Western Digital USB drive I have been using and another is a HP USB thumb drive that's been attached today.

I search around Pete's desk looking for a thumb drive but I find nothing. I ring my boss to update him and he asks Pete to explain why he had been logged in as Mark and why he had used a USB thumb drive which is against company policy. I can here Pete say that he has no thumb drive and he empties his pockets to prove it.

Whilst he is busy pleading his innocence I Google the product ID and Vendor ID from the device that USBdeview found and it turns out to be a HP IPAQ.

When my boss pics up the phone I tell him that were looking for an IPAQ or Smartphone. Minutes later have a HP IPAQ Smartphone sitting on my desk and permission to search it.

GAME OVER. Sys Admin Wins!

But how did this happen? Was the Design Manager involved? Well it would make much sense if he was. Why wouldn't he just steal the data himself?

After interviewing the Design Manager it seems that he was very careful with is password. He never wrote it down, changed it regularly and never gave it to co-workers. I guess then I 'll never know. I write up my report and recommend that we reapply the password lock-out policy and increase the password length from 8 to 10 characters to make password guessing more difficult. I'll also propose regular password audits to identify weak predictable passwords and I email all staff reminding them of the importance of strong passwords and attach the Staff Computer Policy. Finally I propose that we review our stance on USB devices. In this day and age nearly everything has some form of storage on it, we need to look at some other way of protecting our data.

I hope anyone reading this has enjoyed it, i have enjoyed writing it and I hope to do more in the new year.


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