Recently I gave my Asus eee hacktop a bit of a makeover. After a bit of googling I settled on eeebuntu. I'm a big Ubuntu fan and this seemed to be a nice looking custom distro for the eee.
After downloading the iso from the sight and whacking it on a USB using the utility on the site it was as simple as rebooting and going straight into the live CD (or USB in this case) to test.
Everything worked straight out of the box, the wireless, the camera, sound, ACPI, I mean everything.
The interface is well designed, looks polished and proffesional and makes using a small screen much more fun. I love gnome on the desktop but when your screen real estate is restricted this does the job.
I had no hestitations in opting to install permanently. After the install I was able to easily customise the interface to suit my needs and I had my favourite tools within minutes.
For more details visit eeebuntu here