Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Case of Zone-H, and E2-labs more heated!

If in Indonesia, his community was preoccupied with the case of the struggle between the lizard and crocodile who was like a soap opera Indonesia. In the virtual world, his special security world, the more one is confused between the hot zone-h Party (Roberto Preatoni - with The E2-Labs (Zaki Qureshey - owner .

Why It gw ceritain, because the case originally started profiteering zone-h name a few months ago revealed the mystery that was not supposed .. E2-Labs is Hiring, hiring and real HACKER Told to do destruction in india government websites in 2003! 7 Years ago, Jack!

Looking Back, Make the article did not know his problem.

In the Year 2007 2009, Zone-H, and E2-labs (security companies operating in india) Conducting Cooperation.
In that cooperation, the Zone-H will conduct training on the students of the E2-Labs (first-class security training).
Common sound right?

Continue ..

Moments Before the Zone-H does work together with the E2-labs, Some Parties Direct contact-H zone to remind that the E2-Labs is not in trust. They often delay payment .. Anyway Habit bad lah ..

Well gw longer story short .. Entar length .. Clearly yg Cooperation is still being done
At that time Zone-H Banner and Logo of the E2-flying labs lively. That's of course the usual thing ..

NAH, ajarnya Less .. The Indians are constantly selling a ZONE-H, Till-Year Later conceited. And they've ended Cooperation.

Kalo gw gini ilustrasiin, Lo rental model for lo product for one year, so long as 1 year lo be the product model mempromosiin lo is not it?, Nah kl more than 1 year, yes, lo must replace / find another model.

Worse Again, the New Later found out, if students who attended a seminar at that time, was not given a certificate. Though clearly-H zone to give special certificate 1 / person.

War Following mental and content, Zone-H of course upset if the name-logo-branding them in carrying around for the personal benefit zaki. With email, the article asks zone-h on the meremove india for all banners on their website. but the owner of this e2-labs emang 'do not know shame.
Because of fear, the more acting india, Start Zone-h is Spreads Information Security Training That was E2-labs is a scam, because it carried the name mambawa-H zone without approval. unexpectedly flooded zone-H information. The victims of his scam E2-Labs' It's a lot.

In DAAANNN Without guessing, a few days ago, An American hackers expose all the ugliness of the E2-LABS. Darren Warren itu.Pada hacker name in 2003, he was recruited by E2 on-labs. The first day was so beautiful, staying in a luxury hotel. but every few days thereafter before the problem to him.

Darren found that companies who use keylogger installed, then the hotel was not paid (although according to the agreement bear the entire cost on India's companies). he was forced to move to the lobby downstairs, without water: mrgreen:

One day, Zaki told Darren Qureshey to penetrate the government sites india. At that time he (zaki) Lied by saying that the action is routine and has been approved by the Indian government.

Without babibu, darren just practicing his skills. and unexpectedly, the results of tests conducted so out of hope, darren breaking success, collecting the state information, as well as the added bonus installing trojans, fully backdoored and fully owned. This information is in the load on the Indian news site.

Some time after that, his salaried time. darren was the bill. but unfortunately, his wages are not paid. tried to be patient and pray, but still he did not receive wage workers.

Who enggak upset? But darren very difficult position. Passpornya on hold by Zaki, surely he could enggak fled from the country ..



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